The University Of Tulsa
Drilling Research Projects
TUDRP personnel, including faculty, staff, consultants, and graduate students.
Field scale testing facilities, specialized laboratories and equipment.
Selected journal publications, conference papers, technical books.

The University of Tulsa Drilling Research Projects (TUDRP) is a non-profit cooperative industry-university research project to conduct basic and applied research for the advancement of drilling research. The function is to provide research for drilling technology development, and to provide student education to implement such technology in the field. The aim is to reduce well costs through improvements in the technology used to drill and complete oil and gas wells.
Advantages of Participating in TUDRP Consortium:
- TUDRP is a successful academic-industrial collaborative drilling research program
- Access to over 190 completed drilling-related projects, including engineering spreadsheets, programs and software packages
- Projects of direct benefit to a member company’s drilling challenges may be proposed by company representatives
- Opportunity to interact with other members facing similar challenges
- Opportunity to hire high-quality engineers